Tales From The Crypt - Saturday 16th November 2022

Started the day in Liverpool with Q and her mum. It's a bright, bright, sunshine-y day and so we're off out.

Q drove us to a village just outside Southport, where we had an excellent dinner.  Inexplicably, I ended up having a starter, wine and a dessert. I don't know what possessed me, but, hey, you just have to go with the flow.

We decided to drive back through the city rather than using the motorways, which was a trip down memory lane for me taking in Crosby and other familiar places including the docks.  Earlier we'd toured Formby, which completed the set.

We were all full when we returned home, so we had a light snack of bread, cheese and meat.

In amongst eating and conversation Q and I planned a pre-Christmas break in Dublin, one of my favourite cities (I wonder why?) in Europe.

We didn't watch any TV, instead, we chatted, and, some might say, unusually, I didn't do most of the talking.

Le fin.

Todd Rundgren / 'Real Man' / 'Initiation'

[[There's been a lot of Todd Rundgren lately. I try to avoid doing this, but this song (and one or two others) means a lot to me.  When I first heard it I didn't fully understand the lyrics and I found them very conflicted with what I'd learned about manhood growing up. I understand it better now and fully embrace it. What was that thing that Philip Larkin wrote... though society and culture are part of it too, in fairness.]]


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