Love, Poetry and Revolution - Monday 23rd January 2023

Not working on Mondays has been extremely beneficial for my physical and mental health. Having a day I can spend in whatever way I see fit is very liberating.  I try to get all the chores done at the weekend (sometimes) and leave Monday free to do...whatever.

Today, however, I do have chores to do as I was away at the weekend. Chores primarily being washing. As usual.

After lunch, I take sons 1 and 2 to the dentist which gives me a good opportunity to chat to each of them separately and discuss progress on changing the way things work around here. I think the team is getting there, but there's more to do.

We're back!  That was a useful hour and a bit.

Son #1 needs to return some clothes via a local store pickup point. I suggest we walk together and he seems to like the plan.  One on one time is precious.  We walk via the woods, which he reckons is quicker, not to mention more scenic than following the roads.  Luckily the rather low temperatures means the normally muddy route is frozen over.

During the day I've found time to make contact with several friends to arrange catch ups, in person or over the web that's so wide it covers the world.

When the carers come for the final call, they discover we're out of some of E's meds and so I have to contact a good friend to see what can be done. We used to get a regular monthly repeat, but ever since E returned home from hospital last year, that has ceased. We need to find a better system, with no surprises.

Just as the carers left the plumber arrived to do a minor fix to the shower. Part of the fittings has come loose, and, though it turned out to be a bigger job than I imagined, he's fixed it. PTL.

I had hoped to find time to read the papers and listen to some music, but this did not come to pass. Never mind. I did get a lot of stuff done. Progress. Instead it's now time to make dinner.

Son #2 helped me with dinner and all three of us ate together and watched the second episode of 'Strike'.

After that, to bed for a chat with Q and then the papers.

J Dilla / 'Workinonit' / 'Donuts'



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