Love, Poetry and Revolution - Wednesday 18th January 2023

Another cold start (a phrase that takes me back to CICS OLTP, which probably means nothing to 99.999% of humanity) and also another working day.

Project work has been turned up to eleven with the obvious consequence for this blog:  not much I can write about.

My brain cell is very warm as a result of a lot of design thinking, but now the working day is done and Q has returned from work.  

There's not a huge amount of classical music that floats my boat, but Stravinsky's 'The Rite of Spring' ('Le Sacre du Printemps') is a piece I do like.  I caught the end of a TV recording on BBC 4 of the piece which reminded me how much I like it and thus I did listen to it today.

We're having chicken enchiladas for dinner, where n is a natural number greater than one.

Great dinner!  After which we finished season 2 of 'Bloodlands'. The ending was good, though I fear they have left the story open enough that there could be a third season. My biggest bugbear. A TV series that refuses to end. I don't mind if there are loose ends. That's the way life often is.  Just end it and move on.

Time for sleep so that my brain cell is readied to do the same again tomorrow.

The Style Council / 'Life at a Top People's Health Farm' / 'Confessions of a Pop Group'

[[I was listening to this on my way up to Liverpool earlier in the week and was reminded how relevant the lyrics are today.  It is a savage swipe couched in what appears at the surface to be very positive.  All today's problem date back to this time.]]


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