Love, Poetry and Revolution - Sunday 22nd January 2023

Woke up this morning and found I'd forgotten about £20 million I had in one of my bank accounts.  Silly me. How careless. I'd better let the tax office know before the end of the month.

On a more factual note, I am driving dahn sarf later today, but not before a cooked breakfast.  Q is also baking cinnamon swirls/rolls/scrolls (take your pick) for me to take home for me and my sons.  In a spirit of fairness, Q is saving some for her daughter's return at the weekend.

A little after midday I'm 'booted out' (😂) and load my car ahead of my journey. I have supplies, including a chocolate and almond croissant.  It is a hard life.

I'm home!  What could have been a nightmare journey, was actually quite reasonable, though it is way colder (and foggy) around here compared with 'oop north.  As I left Liverpool the SatNav indicated my journey would take an added 65 minutes. No sooner had I got used to that idea (and the expectation that the M6 would be the problem) than it went up to nearer 2 hours delay.  Eventually I discovered that the M40 was closed owing to a fatal accident and the SatNav selected a different cross country route from Bicester to avoid the closure and queues. (Isn't there a limerick about that? There was a young man from Bicester...)

After getting used to the different situation and environment, I unpacked, put some washing on for E (I need to have a chat about that with my team) and settled in to catch up on the post, papers and so forth.

I made the dinner, as I think the team also need to get used to the way things work when I'm around, and son #1 and I settled down to watch the first episode of the recent series of 'Strike'.

Off to bed with an interesting chat thrown in for good measure.

David Crosby / 'Traction In The Rain' / 'If I Could Only Remember My Name...'

[[It's hard to choose a track from this album as there are some great songs to choose from.  

Until his death a few days ago I'd never heard this album, but a FB friend in the music biz recommended it in very positive terms and so I gave it a listen. I'm glad I did. It is rather good.  It's not the sort of thing I'd normally listen to as I'd have assumed it to be a bit close to Americana/Country in style, something that I have a musical blind spot to. I have tried. I've listened to many of the albums that are deemed great in the genre, but with few exceptions (there are some) they leave me cold.  Just don't get it.  This, however, I like.]]


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