Love, Poetry and Revolution - Tuesday 17th January 2023

The day begins and there's still snow on the ground, not because more has fallen, but because it's cold here.

It is, of course, the first working day of my week and this will restrict what I can write about here.  Not much is going to happen outside of work.

Threading its sinuous path through my day has been the 'Freak Zone' which has featured the Cosmic Jokers wonderfully wild album 'Galactic Supermarket'.

Darkness descends as afternoon wends it weary and windy way towards evening and Q returns to work just before my day finishes.  It's been quite a day for old grey cell.

Dinner is on and we watch another episode of 'Bloodlands' and return to finish that episode and watch another.  There are only two episodes remaining and the depths the main character sinks to in this episode match the Mariana trench.

We have an interlude where I learn about university finances and how they work.  It's pretty scary and I fear for the future of higher education in this country, certainly in the hands of this current bunch of lunatics running the asylum.

Q was very lucky tonight, not only was she treated to poetry but she was also regaled with the first two pages of 'Ulysses'. Sleep beckons, at least for Q.

Adam F / 'Circles' / (Single)



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