Love, Poetry and Revolution - Thursday 26th January 2023

It's Australia Day today, though that is something very controversial these days.  Many people refer to it as 'Invasion Day' now and there is a movement for change which is gaining momentum.  

Son #1 is off to 'work' for the third and final day this week whilst I'll be working away at home.  He's been really good at time-keeping and learnt some valuable lessons. I am proud of him and the progress he's made and continues to make.

I haven't written much about E of late, mainly because there's been little or no discernible change.  She still has the cough, less often, but it seems stable.  She endures the life she continues to lead, which is not much of one really.

It's Idler drinks night and the guest is Irvine Welsh, of 'Trainspotting' fame. He's a fascinating guest and lives an interesting life. He's an advocate of microdosing to stimulate the creative process, and is the first creative I've heard say that. Lot's of new people on the chat afterwards which covered a wide range of topics, as always.

During the post-talk chat, our wonderful pharmacy friend delivered the remainder of E's medication, which puts E back on track for a few weeks at least. Thank you.

All three of us ate dinner together tonight and we watched the first episode of the Channel 4 comedy series, 'Everyone Else Burns'.  It's amusing, funny even, but I am more concerned that there might really be people like this or who believe such things. PTL??

Q has joined a choir session tonight, which she tells me about as part of our final chat of the day, before sleep envelops us.

Caravan / 'Welcome The Day' / 'Cunning Stunts'

[[Two 'welcomes' on consecutive days!]]


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