Love, Poetry and Revolution - Monday 9th January 2023

I'm getting back into normal waking times gradually, starting today. I guess the motivation wasn't great enough as I don't start work today, and so I only got out of bed when the first carer arrived, despite having set the alarm for half an hour earlier. No big deal, but need to do better tomorrow.

After breakfast, and a series of unhelpful phone calls I headed to the garage to get AdBlu added, as I'm running on the reserve and have been doing a fair bit more mileage of late. In addition to additional AdBlu (10 litres being added), additionally, I also asked them to top up the screen wash while they were at it (which is a tricky juggling act at the best of times!) Additional screen wash now added, they added up the bill and the addition of additional AdBlu and additional screen wash came to very little. This all added up to a successful start to the morning.  

As I was out and about already I headed home via the car wash place as my white car wasn't white at all, but it is now.

Today is going to be a hectic one: son #2 is returning from Costa Rica, son#3's gf is returning to university and I am taking son #3 back to uni as well.

I got on with various tasks, most painfully paying for son #3's accommodation for the coming term, but did manage to find time to read a bit of the papers.

As darkness began to descend upon us, son #3 announced he was packed and we could begin loading the car.  The plan is to head for his flat via the shops so he could get some essentials; bread, milk, pasta, cereal, butter, that sort of thing.

I'm back from dropping son #3 off, time for a break before getting on with making dinner.

Son #1 helped with dinner and we were joined by son #2 and so we all ate together, for the first time in a while.  This was what I wanted as I needed to talk to them about the upcoming year and changes actual and potential. Discussion over, we settled down to watch the start of 'Big Fat Quiz of the Year'.

Ending the day in the now customary way...

Boards of Canada / 'Dawn Chorus' / 'Geogaddi'



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