Love, Poetry and Revolution - Saturday 28th January 2023

I'm already back from shopping and now I'm getting ready to go for a walk in Middletonia with schoolfriends. After walking we're planning to grab some lunch and then back home for chores. What chores? I'll have a pint, please.

Time has flown and I'm running late, but off to meet up for above-mentioned walk.

It's late afternoon (is it? what's mid-afternoon? what's late afternoon? when does evening begin? I have my own understanding of those terms, but I wonder if we'd agree?) and I'm home.  Five school friends (including me) enjoyed a wonderful walk along a route chosen by one of the team. (Thanks for organising the walk and the meal 😄). This is a semi-regular event, but for various reasons I've missed the last three or four. On this occasion it wasn't possible for Q to join us, but hopefully next time she will. The fresh air, exercise and company were great. A great way to spend a Saturday.

Sons 1 and 2 are going up to London tonight for a birthday meal with friends and son #3, Q and I are having a video call to discuss his dissertation progress, approach etc.

I'm spending the evening alone and end up watching Spurs followed by starting the first series of 'Happy Valley'.  

After tidying the kitchen, I head upstairs for a chat with Q and a read of the papers. Before I turn out the light, I read the sad news that Tom Verlaine of Television has died.

The Smile / 'Free in the Knowledge' / 'A Light For Attracting Attention'



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