Love, Poetry and Revolution - Sunday 8th January 2023

A later start, mainly because I need to get packed and return 'home' today and I don't want to go. My target is to leave at around midday, though that's not set in stone.

Q and I had breakfast and were joined by her mum.  Scrambled egg on toast followed by toast and marmalade.  Need to get organised, sadly, and so I continue.

Packed, car loaded and time to say goodbye. Q's mum returns to Australia at the weekend, so I'll not see her again for a while. It's been good to get to know her, and we'll hopefully meet again at some point later this year.

I'm home. The roads were unusually quite and I did the journey in just over 3 hours, including a stop to buy lunch, coffee and take a break inspired by a call from nature.

Unfortunately on my return I was greeted by coloured lights, and so my first task was to bring Christmas to an end with the help of sons 1 and 3.

Son #3 made dinner (sea bass and play it), and son #1 and I watched TV while we ate.

Time for bed after a chat with Q. I've got to start getting up early again, back to work this week!

Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers / 'The Morning Of Our Lives' / 'Roadrunner (The Beserkley Collection)'



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