Love, Poetry and Revolution - Saturday 14th January 2023

The weekend is properly here. I get up for 7 ahead of the first carer visit and then get ready to go shopping.

My shopping trip was enhanced by the return of the Bread Girls, lots of chat, bread and pastries. Whilst I was out I heard from Q who was on her way back from the airport having dropped her mum off for her long flight back to Perth via Singapore.

Home for chores invigorated by my conversations. I do love talking with people.

After having my head examined last week, I got a letter from the doctor summarising his findings and advice. Two pieces of advice stick in my head (😜): I should wear a hat all year round and I should also cover my bonce in factor 50 sun screen, i.e. white paint, effectively, all year.  The idea of wearing a hat all year is exercising my mind. Should I go for a beanie, a baseball cap, a fedora, a deerstalker, a pork-pie hat, a fez, a cowboy hat, a bowler, a straw boater, a beret, a cap (a la Andy Cap), or something else? Answers on a postcard.

Boring chores done for the day, so far, I decide to sit down and watch one of my Christmas presents (a pet rock?), the David Bowie docu-film 'Moonage Daydream'. It was good though perhaps not quite as good as either the 'Get Back' Beatles documentary (available on Disney+) or the recent King Crimson one, but primarily because it's an assemblage of live footage and interviews pulled together after his death. Nevertheless, there is some great live footage (especially from the Ziggy Stardust days - incidentally part of which includes the late and great Jeff Beck), much of which I'd never seen before.  If you have any interest in Bowie, you really should watch it.

Son #2 and I made dinner and I watched the end of the last Miriam Margolyes Australia documentary, followed by time I'll never get back watching the first episode of 'The Apprentice'.  It's become too formulaic. After half-watching it (it couldn't hold my attention, even against the backdrop of Antigua), I remembered the last time it was on, I told myself I'd not watch it again.  Some of the candidates!! 'I am the James Bond of business' FFS! I am the Dangermouse of plumbing. There. I've said it. It's out there.

Watching that put me off starting anything else, so instead I went to bed to read the papers and get close to finishing 'The Silent Patient'.

Spoke to Q, read some more and then got ready to sleep.

Sudan Archives / 'Freakalizer' / 'Natural Brown Prom Queen'



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