Love, Poetry and Revolution - Monday 27th March 2023

The sun is shining and it's my non-working day.

I've already stripped the bed and have the first of two wash loads on. It can finish whilst I'm out.

After the second carer visit, time to head to head for the shops to get a haircut and washing-up liquid (if I can come away from the shops with just washing up liquid, it will be a miracle).

I'm back now just before the third carer visit of the day. After some banter, I decide on doing something unexpectedly exciting:  I am going to hang my washing outside for the first day this year. Wow.  A lie down is in order I think.

Over lunch I watched more MAFSA before switching to reading. I only have one episode to go to catch up with last week's episodes.  Change of medium now. After a bit of clearing up, time to finish 'Wandering Rocks' ahead of Wednesday's lecture. 

I've finished 'Wandering Rocks' and am now reading around the episode, catching up on phrases (in Latin and Italian) that I don't understand and who's who, where relevant.

Around 6 p.m. Q, a school friend and I had a call to plan the logistics for a trip to Cornwall next week.  The school friend in question is kindly allowing us to stay in his house for a pre-Easter break and we've now agreed a high-level plan.  Looking forward to it.

I'm making lamb meatball pasta for dinner and am helped at the end by son #2 who takes over the pasta.

(I bought more than washing-up liquid)

All three of us eat together and watch the latest episode of 'The Wild Isles', before some clearing up and bringing the day to a close.

Phoebe Green / 'IDK' / 'Lucky Me'

[[I think Phoebe Green is/are the first person/band I'm aware of from Lytham.  They played the 6 Music Festival in Manchester at the weekend.]]


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