Love, Poetry and Revolution - Monday 13th March 2023

The world is all mine. I'm getting carried away, the day is all mine to do as I choose, that's what I mean. That is such a great feeling.

After breakfast, Q headed for work and I cleared up.  First on my agenda is writing and catching up on radio shows from the weekend on the BBC Sounds app.

The weather forecast is ominous, but I'm planning to go for a walk and get some fresh air and exercise.

That's enough sitting down, I'm off for a walk before the rain hits.

I feel better from that brisk outing, which included a stop at the local Morrisons to buy some more milk.

Time to begin reading the 'Lestrygonians' episode of 'Ulysses' in time for Wednesday's lesson.  One of the themes of this episode is food, paralleling the cannibalism of the equivalent episode of Homer's odyssey.

I've made good progress and lunch is looming.  Great news! Q is coming home for lunch, so I'll hold off eating until then.

That was an unexpected and enjoyable interlude, and after clearing up I return to 'Ulysses'.

Time for coffee: I've finished the episode and switched to catching up with the weekend papers.

My brain is fully fed, for now, so I'm switching to something completely different, no, not that, 'Married At First Sight - Australia', henceforth to be referred to as MAFSAU.

This is something that Q watches and I did watch last year's season, but I have some catching up to do.  It began last week, so I reckon I have 4 to watch, though I may fast-forward bits of it.

I've already taken an instant dislike to one of the contestants (?) and already the plot has thickened.

Q has returned from work mid-MAFSAU #2 and, once she's got changed, we recap together.

Next up dinner, before we adjourn to watch the last episode of 'The Gold'. Over dinner Q and I have a discussion about communication prompted by MAFSAU.  One of the 'husbands' accused his 'wife' of talking too much and filling every bit of silence.  Who can imagine such a thing?

During 'The Gold', Φ called for a chat with Q ahead of a significant day tomorrow. I'm setting up a chat with son #1 later, to see how he's doing and make sure all is well with E.

I enjoyed 'The Gold'. A really good ending to one of the best bits of TV drama in a while.  There was me thinking it would be dull.

Son #2 has flown back from NYC to Costa Rica where he's greeted by thunder, lightning and torrential rain.

We watch a bit more MAFSAU and as we watch a thought occurs to me. Something had been niggling about the difference between this and the UK equivalent.  It suddenly struck me.  There are no same-sex couples and this seemed very odd. Q explained to me why this is, which was quite surprising. Not only that, but other areas of diversity weren't present. Q's explanation made me realise why there was such an odd reaction when an Indian woman came down the aisle. I'd imagined Australia would be more progressive.

Son #1 and I had a chat, which was good.  He seems in good form and somehow our catch-up digresses into an examination of the origin of my Christian name. Deary, deary me.

On the advice of a spring-mounted fictional character, it is time for bed. 

Das Koolies  / 'The Condemned' / 'The Condemned' (EP)

[[A welcome return for this Super Furry Animals offshoot. More please!]]


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