Love, Poetry and Revolution - Thursday 16th March 2023
Blow me down with the leg of a chair! I have woken up with a head full to bursting. I fear I may be getting a cold. Drugs! Give me drugs! (prescription, ofc 😀)
'Know me come eat with me'
Apart from work today, later on, I'll be packing for our road trip to the south coast, as will Q when she returns from work.
(Grammar checkers, don't speak proper, do they)
To lift my spirits and help combat the advance of the evil cold germs, I'm listening to music - my 'liked' songs playlist on random. It seems to work, memories notwithstanding.
Work is done, Q is already home and I need to finish packing so we can get going.
Arrived at the hotel in Portsmouth around 9, feeling knackered. Long day. Sleep beckons.
Liela Moss / 'Memories and Faces' / 'My Name Is Safe In Your Mouth'
[[An oldie, but a goodie. Heard this again this morning after quite some while and it sent me down a path where I'm thinking about people who matter and have been lost. I'm not sure if I'm feeling melancholy because of my impending cold or as a result of a serious disturbance in the universe of emotions. Who knows? The feeling exists, though.]]
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