Love, Poetry and Revolution - Monday 6th March 2023

I do like Mondays. It's one of the best days of the week for me as I have all the time to myself, or at least I usually do.

Today, however, there are a couple of things this morning which take precedence.  I've had to make an urgent appointment with NRS Healthcare to come out and fix E's air mattress.  Some of the cells aren't inflating properly and the carers think there's a puncture. Because E is bedbound, they insist on fixing it today, which is good, the main challenge being that E will need to be hoisted out of the bed, which needs two carers, so NRS are diverting an engineer to be here for around 11, when two of the carers are here.

At 11:30 son #1 has a Zoom call with his university well-being officer and a course tutor to agree a path for him to get back to uni in September. Q is attending with him as a family representative and bringing her professional expertise to bear.

The man from NRS arrives early, before the carers and opts to wait in his van, which is probably best for everyone.

Son #1 gets up later than I would for such an important meeting, but I guess that way he gets the added fun of stressing his dad out more than he already is.

E's bed is now sorted and there was indeed a puncture.  Cell replaced, things return to normal.  The only downside is that the carers took this as an opportunity to change all the bedding (there are extra layers because of the bed positioning system) and thus present me with an extra wash load. Deep joy!

With 5 minutes to spare, son #1 is showered and dressed, and joins the call early to find Q already there.

The call lasted around 45 minutes and went well, according to son #1.  A lot of actions were agreed and there is a plan for him to get things done. Q had the forethought to consider what happens after he returns in September, and things will be put in place to provide the support he needs and the tutor present offered to be his personal tutor.

I am so pleased that he and I head out for a car wash (😀) followed by a spot of lunch as a reward for the progress he's made.  Q also said the meeting went well and we're having a full debrief over Zoom later this afternoon.

Lunch was fun. We had a different lunch than usual - son #1 had shakshuka and I had poached eggs with smoked salmon on muffin - and then stopped off in the supermarket to buy some things he needed, plus Easter eggs for all three of the monsters.

After we returned home, I sat down and read 'Aeolus' for my 'Ulysses For All' session on Wednesday.

At around 4, Q, son #1 and I joined a Zoom call to talk through the outcomes from the meeting.  Q said he'd done well and noted some key points discussed.  We're both really grateful to Q for giving up a chunk of her working day to help out.  She's helped a lot.

Today is also Φ's birthday - many happy returns! Φ and Q are going to a very good local Italian restaurant for dinner tonight to celebrate. 

I start making the dinner with a musical accompaniment.  Sometimes listening to tunes on random play - this time from my recent 'Liked' playlist - is just what I need. So much variety.  So much joy.

Son #1 joins me to help finish the dinner before we sit down and watch two back-to-back episodes of 'North Sea Connection'.  The scenery 😍 We now have only the final episode to go (which I've already seen), which we'll save for tomorrow evening.

One of the main characters in the series, Ciara Kenny (played by Lydia McGuinness), sports a striking hairstyle, when she's not wearing a woolly hat (which she mostly is).

She plays a fisherwoman and I'm trying to work out if the style is a) due to the windswept nature of fishing the Atlantic (westerly winds prevailing), b) it's an homage to Phil Oakey, or c) it's a jokey reference to a former PM of the UK (please, God, no!)

After dinner and a bit of clearing up (most of that is son #1's job) I head for bed and a call with Q.  She and Φ had an enjoyable meal and Q has subsequently watched the final episode of 'North Sea connection' and so we chat about the ending, amongst other things.

More 'Ulysses', then 'Edge of the Orison' and sleep.

Heartworms / 'Retributions Of An Awful Life' / 'A Comforting Notion' (EP)



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