Love, Poetry and Revolution - Saturday 25th March 2023

Starting the day with my usual shopping trip and visit to the bread stall in the market.  This will be the only routine element of the day.

I'm back  and eating breakfast whilst son #2 gets ready as he's got a couple of MRI scans booked at the hospital and I'm going to take him there before I head off for my lunchtime assignation.

I've dropped son#2 off at the hospital and have returned home for a quick pit-stop before driving halfway between here and Liverpool to meet Q and Φ for lunch and to collect my laptop.  We're meeting at the Cock Inn, about which I am remaining entirely silent.

Early evening and I've returned home.  Had a great lunch together and have found a new way of meeting up if we're unable to spend longer together.  After we parted I headed to an old (as in, 'known for a long time') friend's house for coffee and a chat. Unfortunately, he's hurt his back, and was struggling to get comfortable. Hopefully his back will get better over the next few days.  It was great catching up as we had lots to talk about and could have spent hours more talking, but I needed to head back as my sons are off out this evening.

Son #2 started making dinner and we sat down to eat whilst watching MAFSA. 

Sons 1 and 2 plus son #1's gf head off out leaving me to my own devices, which in this case will be a relatively early night, given that we're going to lose an hour.

Had a chat with Q, then washed up and headed for bed.

Scritti Politti / 'The Word Girl' / 'Cupid and Psyche '85'



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