Love, Poetry and Revolution - Mother's Day (Sunday 19th March 2023)

Last morning in Liverpool for a few weeks, sadly.  Lots going on, especially in Q's world.  I also have to try and solve a problem at home, or at least help someone get back on track.  It's causing me an immense amount of stress, more than I had realised, so I really do need to drive out some changes.

We've had breakfast and I've now packed the car with everything ready for the off.  My journey will take an initial detour via a fuel stop - filling up here is so much cheaper with diesel at 158.9p/litre.

I'm properly on my way, though there seem to be a lot more cars on the road, guess there may be a reason for that.

I'm back now, though I picked up son #3 enroute so he could visit his mum with son #1 (son #2 is still in Costa Rica, after a change of plans).  

On the way home I had a couple of calls with Q, the second of which was to tell me I'd left my laptop behind. Luckily it was my personal laptop (and a whole bunch of other tech stuff that's in the laptop bag), and so it wasn't crucial, and, as I was almost at the end of the M6 Toll road, there was no way I had the time to turn around and go back.  We have a potential solution, which means I'll get to see Q sooner, so it's not all bad. 

After taking son #3 home, time to meditate and then start making the dinner.

Son #1 and his gf are here and we all sat down and watched 'An Irish Goodbye' (me for the second time, but it's so good it stands up to repeated viewing) as we ate.

After the programme was over, son #1 and I had a serious chat about things, and his progress in particular.  Then the lights went out!  Power cut.  Turns there's a big network fault affecting roughly 2000 homes over quite a large area. We're on the priority list owing to E's air mattress and so I made a call.  Initial estimate was to get the power back on by 2:30 a.m., but I was told this was a worst case estimate, and 11:30 or earlier was more likely.  In the event, power was restored by around 9:30, which was good. 

I spoke to Q during the power cut as she'd gone to bed early after a busy day, including a trip to the airport.

After that son #1 and I had a further chat, with the lights on, and then cleared up the dinner things. 

A background theme behind all this is that I have a blocked right ear. Where? Right here. I've putting drops in it for a few days now, but, so far, no relief.  Even though my left ear is fine, it makes hearing what people say difficult, to the point that I have to turn my left ear towards them to hear properly. Music doesn't sound as good either. More drops then plan B if it doesn't clear up by Wednesday.

Tomorrow is another day and another week. New beginnings.

Orbital  / 'Are You Alive?' (feat. Penelope Isles) / 'Optical Delusion'



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