Love, Poetry and Revolution - Monday 20th March 2023

My right ear (yes, right here) is still blocked and so today I'm going to have to find out how to get it unblocked professionally and where.

I've got two main goals for today, beyond the ear stuff: reading episode 9 of 'Ulysses' ('Scylla and Charybdis') and reading the weekend papers.  I've also got to have further conversations with son #1 and a variety of less important tasks.

I have an ear appointment for Thursday afternoon!  Hooray! It's been driving me mad only hearing out of one ear.  I tried to listen to music (I have a bit of a backlog 😝) but it just wasn't the same. It's quite a worrying thought.

I've finished 'Scylla and Charybdis' and am suitably mind-blown. More Shakespeare references and allusions than you can shake(speare) a stick at. In part this episode is about further demonstrating how different Stephen and Bloom are, one almost entirely living in the mind the other almost concerned about the physical world and relationships.  The episode takes place in the National Library, yet the participants all seem to be talking out loud, at times heatedly. Odd. Must ask about this on Wednesday evening.

My brain needs a break before I start on the papers. Coffee. Chocolate (Snickers).

The papers are now read. A really good interview with James Martin about his life and role in 'An Irish Goodbye' and a few other good reviews of films, music and books.

More serious convos. Pressure? Too much? Trying not to push too hard.

Made dinner and we all sat and watched the first episode of 'The Wild Isles' together. Very interesting and with some strong messages for some people.

To bed for a chat with Q and then some reading about 'S & C'.

The Chemical Brothers  / 'Believe' / 'Push The Button'



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