Love, Poetry and Revolution - Saturday 4th March 2023

Q's off to the hairdressers this morning and as this will take a couple of hours we've decided that I'll head home whilst she's out, but first, breakfast together.

Q's said goodbye and left for the hairdressers so I'm getting on with packing.

Packing complete I head for home via Tesco to fill the car up with fuel - it's so much cheaper up here than dahn sarf.

I am home after a brief refuel (me) a call of nature stop on the way.  There must have been an accident / road closure on the normal route as my SatNav took my home through the beautiful Chiltern villages of Ibstone, Skirmett and Hambledon. My musical accompaniment for the journey was provided by Sun Ra, Black Sabbath, A Formal Horse, and THUS LOVE.  Music makes the journey pass quickly when you're driving alone.

I've got a fair bit of the afternoon left and so, once the unpacking, tidying and chores are done (with the help of son #1), I start reading the small backlog of weekend papers and start todays.

Son #1 informs me he's off out tonight with some mates and so I plan to watch 'Everything, Everywhere, All At Once' over dinner and beyond. I've been wanting to watch this for ages (where ages are relatively short within the dictionary definition of an age) and was not disappointed. I came to it with an expectation and it was so much better.  I laughed out loud. I was wowed by the googley-eyes.  It's serious, funny, ridiculous and profound all at the same time. Michelle Yeoh is brilliant as is Jamie Lee Curtis and Stephanie Hsu.  I will watch it again. 

Time for bed and a long-distance chat with Q. More reading with a slight chance of sleep.

A Formal Horse / 'I'm A Lasagne' / 'Meat Mallet'



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