Love, Poetry and Revolution - Tuesday 7th March 2023

Perhaps it's me getting older, but it feels like it's getting colder.

Today I've learnt what 'Plunderphonics' is.

Apart from today being a jolly old working day, I've had a lunchtime call with E's dietitian to discuss her feeding regime.  Based on the nurse's measurements of E's upper arm, she appears to be losing weight since she left hospital at the back-end of last year.  We had switched her to a lower calorie feed before last year's 'incidents' because she was putting on weight. Now it looks like we need to switch her back to the higher calorie feed so that her weight stabilises. Typical. We've just had a month's supply of feed delivered today!

Over lunch I helped son #1 fill out a form for university regarding his situation and role as a carer and respite carer when I'm not around. The admin from Monday's call is mostly complete or in progress so he can now focus (from tomorrow, at least) on getting assignments done.

The time between stopping work and starting to make dinner evaporated, though I did spend some of it talking to Q.  

During dinner a kind friend delivered a month's supply of medication for E. With her help it looks like we're finally back on track with regular monthly deliveries instead of running out of things in dribs and drabs. Thank you so much!

I ate dinner alone whilst watching Monday's episode of 'Come Dine With Me', which this week features one of my friends from The Idler.  Strange to see him in such a different setting.  He was incredibly diplomatic. Can he keep that up for the rest of the week?  Can't wait to see what he cooks and what his entertainment is? I'm sure his entertainment will be different to tonight's meat and two veg!

Son #1 joined me after I'd finished watching 'CDWM' and, together, we watched the final episode of 'North Sea Connection'. A really good closing episode, but there are so many loose threads that surely there must be more?

To bed, to sleep. Ideally, I'll get to sleep early as the cleaner is coming a day early tomorrow, so I need to be up with the early birds, though I'll choose something different for breakfast. 😉

Janelle Monáe / 'Float' / 'A Comforting Notion' (Single)



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