Love, Poetry and Revolution - Wednesday 15th November 2023

The penultimate working day of the week is here.  A couple of really important meetings ahead and, of course, work.

Late afternoon I had an unexpected call with a colleague I'd not spoken to for a while.  It was a good catch-up, both technical and personal. Turns out he's on leave on Friday as well, and though we'll both be heading south, he's off to Portugal for a Land Cruiser road trip in the sun. Sounds like he needs the break from work and those other pressures.

Q comes home from work late and I'm starting 'Ulysses For All' at six for a couple of hours. Q starts making dinner, and, most appropriately given tonight's episode, I eat while listening to the talk.  The episode for tonight is 'Lestrygonians' whose main theme is food.  The guest speaker tonight is Flicka Small (thinks: where does the name Flicka come from? Q reckons 'Felicity'.  The inner child (inner?) also thinks that the only surname that should follow 'Flicka' is a Dick and Dom favourite word (singular)). Flicka used to be a chef and views 'Ulysses' through the lens of food.  'Lestrygonians' often conflates food and sex in Bloom's thoughts and Flicka was happy to pursue this connection.  It was an excellent and detailed talk, closely engaging with the lines of the text.  'Lestrygonians' gets to the heart of what makes 'Ulysses' such an incredible novel.

Whilst I was in Davy Byrne's, Q was on a work call that lasted until around 9 or a bit later.  My call was over, so I cleared up and hung the washing up to dry.  Domestic bliss.

Too late for TV. We're both knackered. It's been a long day and sleep beckons.

Rhi  / 'Night Driving' / 'Reverie'



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