Love, Poetry and Revolution - Thursday 23rd March 2023

With any luck this will be the last day I wake up to blocked ears.

I've got a busy day ahead work-wise, so I am expecting to be stuck in front of a screen most of the day.

After a heavy round of meetings, I'm off to Dyson with death. (Slight exaggeration)

I'm back. My ears are vacuumed.  It's quite a strange experience which can be slightly irritating at times and tickly as well.  Overall it was good and feels amazing to be able to hear properly out of both ears.  I won't go into the details 'cos it's a bit yucky, though I could wax lyrical if asked.  I also learned some useful things about avoiding it getting to this state again, which was good.

Time to prep dinner ahead of tonight's Idler which features physicist Carlo Rovelli talking about Greek philosopher Anaximander, but not his pet salamander who lived on the veranda along with a baby panda. What could be grander?

Carlo is a great speaker and it's the third time I've heard him talk. He is a deep thinker on physics but also a great communicator able to explain complex things to a lay audience.

After the talk a catch up with the Idler gang before finishing off making dinner. We ate watching an old WILTY with Bob Mortimer, who always fun, then watched the final twenty minutes or so of the England v Italy match.

Q has been travelling back from Newcastle and the train was running late and so we'd spoken earlier. When she gets in she's likely to head straight for bed. 

Goodnight one and all.

Diagram Brothers / 'Ron! The Morris Minor's Gone' / 'Marvels Of Modern Science'



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