Tales From The Crypt - Friday 14th October 2022

Another busy working day ahead etc etc etc.

My morning's work was unexpectedly interrupted by a call from our GP. She was phoning to discuss whether or not E should have the Covid booster.  The recommendation is not to.  Apparently evidence from hospices suggests that people who are at end of life, or close to it have their demise hastened by vaccinations, so it doesn't seem a good idea. It's a catch-22, essentially. On the plus side the GP has suggested she comes and visits E next week.

Work takes over with a brief interlude for mediation then lunch.

The afternoon's working session was also interrupted, this time by a call from my plumber.  A useful discussion, just ahead of a call with my manager, and we're on track again shower-wise. I need to choose some tiles etc, better pull my finger out.  I hate trying to match things and decide what'll look good. Tiles. Paint. Aaaaggghhh!

Spoke to Q after work and she was returning from IKEA via a car wash and some shopping. 

The boys are off out tonight for a curry and then up the smoke to strut their stuff at Ministry of Sound.  I, on the other hand, am going to have dinner (a meal I made earlier in the slow cooker and had frozen) while watching 'The Saint' and finishing the final episode of 'Sensationalists: The bad girls and boys of British Art'.  I have also got a an episode of 'Arena' on 'The Waste Land' but my brain's not up to that tonight.

I stopped watching TV to receive meds for E and son #1 to be delivered by a very kind friend. l Two lots in two days!  Thanks so, much! You know who you are and it's much appreciated. The good thing is that son #1 has got his own supply of antidepressants again and he can return the ones I loaned him.  Good job we're on the same meds. Well, not entirely good, but I think you understand my point.

Spoke to Q again before going to bed and, unusually watched some TV on my laptop, then read, then music on the highway to sleep (hell being too warm for sleep).

The Associates / 'Skipping' / 'Sulk'

[['Sulk' is an exceptional album and, arguably, the pinnacle of The Associates' music. 'Skipping' has such energy, it's like a runaway train. I love it. Still. There are so many great songs on this album, it's hard to pick one. Billy Mackenzie's voice was amazing and he wrote some great solo songs after the break up of the band, deeply tragic that he cut his life short.]]


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