Tales From The Crypt - Sunday 30th October 2022

An extra hour's sleep, in theory and almost in practice.  I was woken today by the sound of E coughing.  On the positive side I still heard her even though I was blocking out sound, and not only that she was fine, just a normal round of coughing. I went back to bed, but couldn't get back to sleep so got up, and showered.

Going to meet a friend for a coffee at around 11, but before then I have washing to put on and a few of the usual daily chores to do.

Back from a great coffee and catch-up with a good friend. She's looking well and doing OK, which is good to see.  Lots to talk about as we've not seen each other for a couple of months, maybe more. Time flies, etc.  We both had some films, books and other recommendations to share, one of the many delights of catching up with people.  There's not much that beats spending time with friends.  Before heading our separate ways we visited the local Asian foods superstore which has some really interesting food on sale.  Some of the aisles are rather narrow, I guess to get such a wide variety of things in, and one was full of food flavourings and spices etc.  Amongst these was one labelled 'Cock Flavoured Seasoning' which generate a laugh or two.  An American woman who was in the same aisle and had just passed us in the opposite direction said, 'I'm glad it's not just me' in response to our laughter.

Now I'm home and it's time to get the washing dried before making myself some lunch. Over lunch I finish watching Louis Theroux interviewing Stormzy. After watching it I like Stormzy even more than I already did. He is a great role model.  

Time for the papers and, unusually, there's a lot to read in both yesterday's Guardian (Damian Lewis interview talking about how he coped with the loss of his wife, Helen McCrory and a book extract where writers have chosen the books that changed them) and the Observer (an interview with economist Ha-Joon Chang and singer-songwriter Weyes Blood, and there's another on TS Eliot's women that looks fascinating)

I ran out of time to finish the papers so TS Eliot's women will have to wait until tomorrow. 

I had a call with my big sister to catch up on her news and share mine about E and so on.

Made dinner and watched HIGNFY with son #1, his gf and son #2.

After that to bed via the usual stops en-route.

Tweet feat. Missy Elliott / 'Oops (Oh My)' / 'Southern Hummingbird'

[[I think I have the answer to this poor woman's woes. I suspect she's accidentally bought a skirt that's one or two sizes too large. Maybe it was mis-labelled, though we all know how much sizes vary between shops. Not sure about her top. Reading between the lines, I think she did that herself, if I'm honest.

I do have a bone to pick with the engineer on this one though: it's generally good practice to ask woodpeckers to leave before pressing record. Schoolboy error.

Still like it though.]]


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