Tales From The Crypt - Thursday 20th October 2022

Primarily a day of work, but with a couple of key E-related interludes.

A brace of community matrons arrived late morning to change the water in E's PEG balloon and also give her a once over.  Apparently the PEG itself is due to be changed in November, but the CM is going to arrange that which is cool.

I'm also expecting our GP to arrive, most likely in the afternoon, but otherwise it'll all be work until The Idler tonight, I guess.

Our GP called whilst son #2 and I were making lunch and has said she'll be here at around 3:30, which fits nicely with my work meetings.

Well, another one bites the dust. Liz Truss resigns becoming the shortest serving (assuming she served at all, which I'm not sure she did) Prime Minister, AFAIK.  Good riddance, though which turkey we get next, who knows.  Owing to Johnson's policy of only promoting incompetent 'yes' men and women (since they were least likely to pose a threat to his leadership), there's not many options left. They seriously can't ask party members given how badly wrong they got it last time.  A General Election is required.

The GP visit went well and was very useful. The focus was on E, naturally, but one thing she did say to me is that I need more respite and to get away for a week or more at a time, rather than just a few days at the weekend.  The change in Q's location means that is exactly what I'm going to have to do. Medical endorsement. 

The working day is over and it's about to be time for The Idler. Tonight's speaker is Will Hodgkinson, Tom's brother, who has just published a book called 'In Perfect Harmony: Singalong Pop in ’70s Britain'. The book is billed as a social history of the period aligned to what I'd mostly call disposable songs for children, such as songs by the Wombles and Clive Dunn etc., so I'm intrigued by what he's going to say.

I'm always interested in discussions about music, and try to keep an open mind, so the discussion was fascinating even though I don't agree with his thoughts on the music.   Perhaps it was because I was a teenager, but with the exception of some songs by Slade and The Carpenters, almost everything else left me, and still leaves me, cold.  I fear I am danger of going into a rant, so I'll stop here. Suffice it to say the discussion was interesting, Will was knowledgeable as always, though I'm not sure I'd read the book. The social history interests me, so I need to read some extracts before I make my mind up.

The post-talk chat amongst Idler friends was interesting, diverse and contained surprises.  It's always one of the highlights of my week.

Son #2 cooked dinner, we watched the last episode of 'Stuck' (I liked it a lot) followed by the last few minutes of Question Time during which the final member of the public demonstrated the sheer stupidity and tribal-nature of some people's - I was going to say 'thinking', but that's not the right word - blind allegiance.

Heading for bed so I can do it all again tomorrow.

Magazine / 'I Want To Burn Again' / 'The Correct Use Of Soap'

[[A great song from a great album!]]


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