Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 25th October 2022

As yesterday, Q is at work, however, I am too, it being a Tuesday, the main difference is that I'm working in Liverpool. I've taken over Q's dining room table and it's now become the operations hub 😂😂

After my first work call of the day, I discover that my copy of 'In Perfect Harmony' by Will Hodgkinson, as I succumbed to buying it after reading a lengthy extract.  I don't think he'll change my mind about most of the music, but I think the discussion of the times, especially as I was a teenager for some of it, will bring fresh insights and understanding. Can't wait.

My phone rings at around 10 and it's the carers.  They have observed a slight change in E's eyes and perhaps she's a little more tired than normal. We need to watch this closely as it's often been a precursor to infection and the carers are usually the first to spot these slight changes. If the situation changes significantly and warrants my presence, then I will, of course, head home.  I have alerted all the relevant people and so now we just wait.

Back to work.

After lunch the pharmacist from the GP surgery rings and we have a long discussion about statins and my other meds.  At the end of the call, I agree that I'm happy to start taking statins as soon as I have the tablets. Maraccas.

Q arrives home from work and I finish a couple of things then finish work too.

Whilst we were making dinner sons 1 and 2 got in touch.  E is much worse and they've had to call the out of hours service.

The OOH doctor/nurses have been an started E on her palliative care meds.  There's no immediate danger, but I'll be driving home first thing tomorrow - too tired to drive through the night.

Watched some TV to try and chill/relax.

Todd Rundgren / 'Fade Away' / 'Hermit Of Mink Hollow'

[[I'd already chosen this song before the events of today had unfolded.  'Fade Away' in the context of this song is about love everlasting. It's one of my favourite songs. Words and music.]]


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