Tales From The Crypt - Sunday 16th October 2022

Quiet Sunday ahead. Reading, washing, present wrapping, catching up with one or both of my sisters - that's what I have in mind.

Not very exciting to read, or write, about.

The papers are read and I've finished watching 'TS Eliot: Into 'The Waste Land'.  The programme has sent me back to the poem and I want to read more about the letters Eliot exchanged with Emily Hale, the 'Hyacinth Girl' of 'The Waste Land'. Too many things, too little time. There must be an answer!

I have done all of the above, but the day seems to have disappeared fast. It's at times like this when I'm really glad I don't work Mondays.  Only one word to go.

I made dinner alone, unusually, and son #1 , his gf and I sat and watched a HIGNFY for laughs followed by a chilling (in more than one sense) call to action on Frozen Planet II.  It is hard to imagine what evidence some people need to see to be convinced that climate change is real and something that needs to be addressed now.  Perhaps if the planet turned into the world imagined in 'The Road' people might notice. Sadly it will be too late.  If not for us, then for our children and grandchildren.

Spoke to Q before bedtime talking turkeys and other exciting topics. Hmm! I like a Topic. Haven't had one in a while.

Super Furry Animals / 'Presidential Suite' / 'Rings Around The World'

[[Another favourite! Monica and naughty Billy!!! A post-apocalyptic love song, very prescient...]]


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