Tales From The Crypt - Friday 7th October 2022

Boringly, my back is still not sorted.  The medication continues, but with a new remedy - Ma Pak Leung massage oil - recommended (and supplied) by the early morning carer, K.

Wow!  The oil is incredibly cooling and smells great. It's much more cooling that the freeze gel you can get over the counter.

Back to work for the rest of the day...

Work came to an end later than usual by way of a host of activity in the house: son #1 is off to his gf's house; a bloke came to measure up the bathroom for tiles; my pensions advisor called to see how things are; and, lastly the carers arrived. All within the space of about 30 minutes. For some reason things always happen at once or in quick succession here, then it goes quiet.

Chatted with Q, then started watching a documentary about male suicide whilst eating, but it was too much what with one thing and another, so watched a bit of 'Glam Rock' at the BBC until David Essex came on.  At this point I had to switch to watching another of the execrable Sky music documentaries, this time (allegedly) on Jazz Rock.  Some great footage of Steely Dan and the Doobie brothers performing 'Long Train Running', but are they Jazz Rock?  Jazz influenced maybe, but...I guess it's all a matter of opinion.

Son #3 went out just after I stopped watching the documentary, and, it is alleged, he'll be back before midnight as he has to come shopping with me tomorrow morning and then move into his uni flat in the afternoon.

I am quite tired, so after clearing up the dinner things, I decide to head up.  More 'Dracula' (still reading the introduction!) a chat with Q, BBC 6 Music, and sleep.

Kool & The Gang / 'Summer Madness' / 'Light Of Worlds'

[[Following on from 'Sunspots' we have 'Summer Madness'...

...but that's not why I chose it 😉

I've heard this twice recently and had never heard it before, probably because back in the day Kool & The Gang weren't cool enough for me (Or so I thought)

This is so laid back that I imagine the kind of summer madness referred to might be of a more horizontal nature, and I especially love the analogue synth, particularly the rising, climactic, dare I say explosive, solo first heard at around 30 seconds in. I am a sucker for the analogue synth.]]


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