Tales From The Crypt - Thursday 13th October 2022

Work meetings galore this morning, including presenting to the design authority. So, you know what the drill is...

It always appears that the busiest work days are the busiest with regards to E, too.  Whilst I was presenting to the design authority, NRS healthcare arrived to sort out E's air mattress (again). The technician arrived before the carers, so I had to answer the door mid-present.  The carers arrived a bit later, just as my call finished, and they hoisted E out of bed whilst I completed a couple of urgent actions.  Five of the cells needed replacing! Five! No wonder the mattress was sagging in the middle.

Back to work, whilst playing text ping-pong with the plumber who I hope will replace our shower.

More calls, including one I almost forgot.  Had to wing it on that one, but I think I got away with it. 😀

A slight deviation via meditation and lunch, then back to work.

Work is over and time now for the Idler, with tonight's guest, Clare Pollard, author and poet.

Enjoyable and interesting chat, I even asked my first live question!!  I now have a new contemporary poetry recommendation, thanks to Clare.  After the talk we had a fun chat between a bunch of us with topics ranging from from the interpretation of the word 'pants' in different parts of the world, 'Carry On Up The Khyber', Alzheimer's, commandos and 'Carry On...' films in general. 

During the chat a wonderful friend delivered meds for E and I, and we had a brief chat about the liquid paracetamol saga.  Strictly speaking it's not a full-blown saga yet, but it may turn into one.

The Idler chat finished relatively early, and so I helped make the rest of tonight's dinner.  Watched TV with son #2, nothing in particular, then  went up for an early chat with Q who's very tired.

After the chat I returned downstairs for further conversations with son #1, as we are still working together to establish a path to the short- and medium-term future. We are getting there.

After our chat, I went to bed via the usual waypoints.

Wendy & Bonnie / 'By The Sea' / 'Genesis'

[[I love this so much, it's unbelievable that the album from which this comes wasn't more successful. It feels timeless.

The eagle-eared (should that be bat-eared? Hmm) amongst you will recognise this as having been sampled by Super Furry Animals on 'Hello Sunshine'.  Useless fact of the day #9653]]


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