Tales From The Crypt - Wednesday 26th October 2022

An early start to the day and an early end to my plans for this week. I had planned to remain in Liverpool until the weekend, but will be departing soon for home, to be there as E begins her palliative care journey. 

I stopped only once at Warwick services, to answer the call and grab a coffee, preferring to be home as soon as possible to be there to support those that need it.

Not long before the end of the journey, the community matron called to update me with news on E. I was hoping to get home before he left, but I missed him by about 20 minutes. The news? E is stable and it hasn't been necessary to give her any more palliative care meds. She has a slightly raised temperature, but last nights meds seem to have brought things under control.

Once I get home I can see for myself.  E  looks a bit warm, but settled. Her cough is under control, much better than it was last night.

The focus shifts back to work, while things are stable.

When I meditated this afternoon I discovered that I'm very tired, the clue being that I started to drift off to sleep, something that never normally happens. I think all that's happening has been very draining, and there's more to come.

I'm supposed to be recording my blood pressure daily this week, but failed to find the time to do it today.  I also reckon it would have been way too high, so probably best that I didn't record it.

Since I wasn't expected to be here this week, there's no dinners for me, and I can't be arsed to go shopping until tomorrow, not after the best of 4 hours in the car, so tonight we're still having pizza, but delivered which for some strange reason sons 1 and 2 seem happy about.

E's coughing sounds worse than normal, but her temperature seems OK. I'm hoping the night is quiet and nothing needs attention before tomorrow. 

The usual routine leads to bed and sleep.

Boris / 'She is Burning' / 'Heavy Rocks (2022)'

[[Decided something new and a bit heavier was in order. This seems to tick a few of my musical boxes.]]


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