Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 4th October 2022

A very tentative start to the day.  After last night's TLC, my back feels a little better though the real test will be packing up and also getting in the car.  All being well, my plan is to head home today whilst Q is at work. She has a big lunch with the outgoing Vice-Chancellor today, so another important day in the first week.

Some movements are incredibly painful, but I manage to pack everything up while Q is getting ready for work.  She accompanies me to my bird-poop-coloured car, and I successfully get in it, though initially sitting is accompanied by shooting pains.  I've decided I'm going to try and drive home.  Gotta go for it, otherwise, life gets mighty complicated and I've already been away for 10 days.

There's a picket by cleaners, kitchen staff and so on outside the university so I wave at them and then beep my horn rhythmically (Oo errr, missus!) to show my support (which is on the back seat).

I set off just after nine and drive until the services at the start of the M6 Toll.  

I decide to try and get out.  Initially, I'm walking like a 90-year-old, and go inside for a leek (we're not far from the North Wales turn off), buy a Snickers and return to the car walking like an 89-year-old, quite an improvement. Getting back into the car proves difficult though. I take some more Ibuprofen and try again.  Don't think I'll be stopping again until I get home.

Home now, just before half-past one and I'm greeted by son #3, who empties my car and makes me lunch before heading off to a lecture at the university.

Now I'm back my focus is on getting organised again. Unpacking stuff and checking that E has all the supplies she needs. 

Over an hour of the afternoon was lost on the phone to my electricity supplier, trying to sort out a payment issue.

Son #2 has made dinner in the slow cooker, though somehow we still end up eating late, and, in the end, I'm just grateful it's been made for me with relatively little effort on my part.

Over dinner son #2 informs me he's been offered (and started) a permanent job with the company he's been doing his apprenticeship with.  Congratulations!  One son on a path to the future!

Time to get ready for bed and have a chat with Q at the end of her day.  There are things we need to agree upon, but we have plenty of time.

This weekend is already looking like it will be busy, as I'll be driving son #3 to his new flat - driving only, no heavy lifting! Additionally, I've been invited to a 50th birthday party on Saturday night by one of E's Thai carers. Apparently, the birthday party theme centres on the colour yellow (something to do with her birthday being on a Monday if I've understood correctly). I may go if my back feels better.

Work tomorrow and my car is in for its MOT first thing. No rest for the wicked.

Nina Cobham / 'Self Care' / (Single)



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