Tales From The Crypt - Monday 17th October 2022

The day begins with the mystery of the disappearing plastic jug.  The carer, K, and I search high and low, but no sign of it.  The jug is used by the carers to give E her water via the PEG.  Very strange.

Having searched upstairs and downstairs, I have decided to shower.  I'm sure it will appear later.

After my shower, I foolishly opened my emails.  My energy supplier reminds me that my fixed-price deal comes to an end on the 1st of December. I followed the link to see what my choices are. Flippety flop!!! I though the bill might be doubling, but I wasn't prepared for what I found. I will have to phone them, but as today is the twin's birthday, I will forget about it until tomorrow. Can't change it anyway, not unless we have a general election. Nationalisation is on my mind. I can't understand how people earning less will manage. This is crazy.

The second set of carers found the jug. It was in the bed with E, Sunday night's carers having been in too much of a hurry to notice they'd left it there. Hmmm. Moving on...

I dug out some old photos (real ones!) of sons 1 and 2 as they were born before the advent of digital cameras.  In the process I found some pictures I'd forgotten, and scanned quite a few of the boys from babies to toddlers. It is obligatory as a parent to post photos of your children on their birthday.

Although it is the twins birthday, hence the photos, only one of them is up, though he is working, so we'll be deferring presents until this evening.

I'm still doing exercises for my lower back in the hope that it will have fully improved by the weekend. As you get older it takes longer to recover, I guess.

Over lunch I watched another, different, programme on T.S. Eliot, this time narrated by A.N. Wilson. This is a documentary from a different perspective covering Eliot's life and poetry, not just limited to 'The Waste Land'. I'm returning to the poems inspired by what I've heard.

I returned to reading 'Dracula' before we all convened (after son #2 had finished work) for the present giving.

Son #2 had a surprise set of cupcakes from his gf in Costa Rica and they both had a surprise of various cheeses and crackers to share from Q.  Hopefully the cheese will be shared more widely 😉

Dinner next, which I largely did.

We watched another HIGNFY together and then performed the birthday cake ritual.  The cake, a S'mores cake (something I'd not heard of until recently) was very popular with son #1, his gf  and son #2.  I didn't like it. I had some, as it's their birthday, but my summary would be too much sponge (I hate sponge, generally) and too sweet. Apart from that it was wonderful. 

It's been a good day and I think sons 1 and 2 had a good birthday, so that's what counts. 

Q has had a very busy day, especially in the evening, so our bedtime call was only the second of the day.  We had a fun chat and, as always, I had something to say and ended the call by reading this week's poem, by William Blake, to her.

Gong / 'Pothead Pixies' / 'Radio Gnome Invisible (Part 1)'

[[I have chosen this before, but it came up on random play when I was cooking, and it made me very happy, so here it is again.  I especially love the 'I am. You are...' etc chorus, particularly Gilli's bit. It just sounds like it was a lot of fun to record.  Love it. ]]


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