Tales From The Crypt - Monday 3rd October 2022

A very auspicious and significant day: Q starts her new job just over the road. The plan for the day is for me to have a chilled day and imagine what it would be like to be a 'househusband' for a few hours.  I'm under strict orders not to move any furniture or boxes and to relax.  We're due to go out for an Italian meal at a local restaurant tonight and I'm looking forward to it - we've earned it.

It's my last full day in Liverpool, as I'm returning home tomorrow. Despite being in Liverpool I have managed to get things done at home, including helping son #3 secure a university flat for his final year (he's changed his mind about living at home) and ensuring that E is well and looked after.

Hell's teeth!  I don't know how, but I've done something nasty to my lower back.  Some movements are agony and walking is hard.

I'm going to try and walk to the campus and get a coffee. Maybe that'll ease my back.

Back with a flat white and a chocolate twist, but also with a bad back. Walking isn't any easier.  I'll take some painkillers and maybe try for a longer walk later as I need to pick up a card.

Damn, it's worse. The pain got so bad on the walk home that I had to stop and hold on to the railings. I don't think we'll be going out for dinner tonight.

When Q gets home she sees the state of me and decides to go to Boots and get some targeted pain relief.  Clearly, I can't be left at home alone.

After applying pain relief to my lower back, Q cancels the restaurant and we decide to have a takeaway, our plans for the evening in tatters.

After dinner time for bed and to try and get some sleep.

Lush / 'Ladykillers' / 'Lovelife'



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