Tales From The Crypt - Sunday 23rd October 2022

Today begins late in Liverpool.  A late breakfast followed by a drive into the city centre.  Q needs to get some new glasses ordered, we both have a bit of shopping to do, in my case, the priority is buying a copy of 'The Observer'.  We also did a bit of site-seeing and familiarisation with the shops. 

We headed for brunch at a café called 'Ropes & Twines', which comes highly recommended. 

'Ropes & Twines' is pretty cool and I had a very enjoyable cheese toasty and coffee, whilst Q enjoyed a latte and sourdough with toast.  Suitably fed and watered, we did a tour of the menus of a number of interesting restaurants (Indian, Persian, Greek, Turkish, Korean and my favourite, a seafood restaurant (whose menu has a section titled, 'for non-believers'!) and then stumbled across a really cool bookshop called 'News From Nowhere'.

After a quick visit to 'News From Nowhere', where somehow I avoided buying a book, we headed to the car and our journey home.

A quiet, relaxing, and enjoyable afternoon spent planning (not very simple given the current circumstances) the next couple of months and updating our Bullet Journals. The joys of organisation and lists!

We had an enjoyable dinner after which Q had ironing to do for work tomorrow and I forced her to watch the first episode of 'The Fast Show', as part of my attempts to bridge the cultural chasm. Clearly, this needs more work.

Instead, we switched to watching 'Friday Night Live' (not live) and the return of Ben Elton to live TV standup.  Ben was good, but Julian Clary was a bit tired, the younger comedians we're seen so far have been good. Shame about Julian, his TV career started on FNL. 

Before sleep, we read the good news that Boris Johnson has decided to pull out of the competition to be this week's Tory PM, a competition he claims he didn't ever enter.  Yeah, right. Sore loser.

Prima Queen / 'Eclipse' / (Single)



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