Tales From The Crypt - Saturday 22nd October 2022

Up early to finish packing and head to Liverpool.

For a change, it won't be work that stops me from writing, but the fact I'll be driving for 3 to 4 hours.

I arrive not long after midday, and despite having had one stop en route my back is really uncomfortable again.

Q suggests I soak in a warm bath, so that's what I do. After the bath in Radox muscle relaxant bath gel, my back does indeed feel better.

I have made a note to stop more frequently on the way home, assuming my back is not back to normal as opposed to back to front.

After dinner, we spent a quiet evening. Just what the doctor ordered.

Steve Hackett / 'The Virgin and the Gypsy' / 'Spectral Mornings'

[[Live, this track was amazing, and it's still special in its studio form ]]


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