Tales From The Crypt - Wednesday 12th October 2022

Busy day ahead with a planned digital outage owing to installation of smart meters. (Smarter than whom, exactly?)

Work looks likely to be very busy, so you know what that means.

The morning was interrupted by a pair of community matrons who arrived to change E's catheter and count the medication.

Early afternoon the phone rang and it was the man who is coming to fit the meters. Can he come early? (I think there's a cure for that) Yes he can indeed and he does.

Apparently he can fit/replace the meters but the supplier's system is down so he can't do the connection to their network. Apparently I'll get a call next week. I didn't think anything of it, but until they do that all the gas and leccy is free. I think I've solved the nation's energy problem. What's surgical's number?

This weeks poem, 'Benediction', by James Berry resonates in a way I have yet to fully understand.  I love the phrase 'spreading shawl of black night', I shall have to steal it!

Thanks to the ear
that someone may hear

Thanks to seeing
that someone may see

Thanks to feeling
that someone may feel

Thanks to touch
that one may be touched

Thanks to flowering of white moon
and spreading shawl of black night
holding villages and cities together.

After discovering that I know little (more like nothing) about Antonio Gramsci (see yesterday's musical footnote) I did find that I was already aware of his theory of cultural hegemony, despite not knowing the formal name for it or exactly who he was.  Now I know a bit more, I'm even more fascinated. That ruddy butterfly again.

In the evening I finished watching the first two episodes of 'Sensationalists: The bad girls and boys of British Art' before son #1 and I watched another episode of 'Stuck', the funniest so far.  The dialogue is excellent, great turns of phrase.

Off to bed and sleep via the usual route. 

Goat / 'Under No Nation' / 'Oh Death'



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