Tales From The Crypt - Monday 10th October 2022

It's sons 1 and 2's birthday a week from today, so getting things ordered and planned for that special occasion are high on the agenda.

It's also World Mental Health day and I'm sure I'll be doing something related to that.

Apart from those things, I have only one thing on my agenda for today: relaxation.

First up, reading the rest of the weekend's papers whilst drinking my second coffee of the day.

As I was reading, I noted that this is one of the first truly relaxing Mondays at home that I've managed in a while, they usually end up being very busy with stuff.

After lunch, I decided to watch Simon Reeve in South America (Peru and Bolivia) which was both shocking and breath-taking in equal measure.  I read a bit of 'Dracula' after that (the book club book) before deciding to listen to some new music -  the latest albums from Dungen, black midi, Willow and a bit of The Big Moon. At least two albums that are stunning and one that's unexpectedly good. Damn!

Music was suspended for a chat with son #1.  We are working together to get a bunch of things sorted for him.  It's going to take some time, but he wants to change things and accepts the need for change, which is a good start.

After our long chat son #1 and I started making dinner and carried on as things cooked.

Son #1 and I ate dinner together while watching another episode of 'Los Espookys'.

Chatted with Q, cleared up and went through the usual process that leads, hopefully, to sleep.

Dungen / 'Nattens Sista Strimma Ljus' / 'En Är För Mycket och Tusen Aldrig Nog'

[[I love the fact that Dungen have never compromised on singing in their native tongue, despite the fact they'd have sold a helluva lot more records if they'd sung in English.

For those of you who aren't as fluent in Swedish as I am (😏), this song is called, rather poetically, 'The night’s last shimmer of light'. The album title translates as 'One Is Too Much And A Thousand is Never Enough'. A truism, if there ever was one.

I have no doubt I will be sharing more tracks from this album, their first in about 5 years.  The album opener is a bit bland, but after that it goes stratospheric. ]]


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