Tales From The Crypt - Thursday 27th October 2022

(I am torn between two worlds)

Got up early today as I need to go shopping before work, unless I want to go without food (though perhaps that would be a good answer for my cholesterol levels). 

Slept like a log last night (do logs actually sleep? Guess it comes from the expression 'Let sleeping logs lie', probably 😉), achieving 94% sleep efficiency and over 3 hours of deep sleep, both of which are records.

The carer arrived, K is still working (thought she was on holiday, but not until tomorrow) and E was coughing a lot with a lot of stuff bubbling in her throat. We moved her and encouraged her to try and spit it out, but that's not something she can easily do. She cleared her throat somehow. Neither drowning or waving. For today, at least.

I'm back from shopping with an oat milk flat white (get behind me satanic coconut milk, you are banished!).  The guy on the till is walking with a crutch and I asked him if it was getting better. Turns out it's not as he has been diagnosed with MS. I empathised and said my wife has MS, but decided, under the circumstances, to say no more than that.

As I start work, E's coughing again and I'm finding it more disturbing than normal, I guess because it sounds worse, but also because I'm concerned she might be getting distressed or anxious about her breathing and will have to call someone out.

E's coughing and breathing has calmed again and I can breathe a sigh of relief. For now.


Mid-afternoon I had a call from the Sue Ryder nurse to see how things are going with E. The upshot of the call was, end-of-life is unpredictable, no one can tell you how things will progress and it could take 300 years, or something like that.  Time for another mind reset and re-plan.

Work is over and I'm about to join the Idler call which tonight features Anna Beer talking about the female giants of English Literature.  The talk centred on Margery Kempe and Julian of Norwich, both from the medieval period, which is not a period of great interest to me, however Anna was such a vibrant and enthusiastic speaker that the talk was fascinating and did pique my interest. Afterwards I thought I'd like to read something by Julian of Norwich, just to get a feel for the writing. Not that I'm likely to read either book, but will probably dip my toes (weird?) If you're interested, Anna's new book is called 'Eve Bites Back'.

After the talk we went into Idler chat mode, which was great fun, particularly the pig bagpipe and one of our merry band's muscle massaging device. 

During the chat my favourite local pharmacist kindly delivered my meds, including statins, which I'll start taking tonight. It's been quite a week, so far, so this kind act was really appreciated, as it always is.

After a very light evening meal, I headed to bed and ended my day in the usual way, talking to a very tired Q, before reading etc.

Dungen / 'Möbler' / 'En Är För Mycket Och Tusen Aldrig Nog'

[[One of the standout tracks from the new album, this features some great Canterbury-style keyboards and weaves a merry dance, before heading to the stratosphere. 'Möbler' translates as furniture, AFAIK ]]


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